Ten Financial planning tips for newly weds

  1. Never lie about even a rupee of financial matters.
  2. Set couple goals –For Retirement/For no of Kids Planned etc.
  3. In the Indian context- It is in our psyche to buy a big house immediately within a couple of years of marriage and pay EMIS upto our neck at the expense of everything else in life-figure out as a couple whether this is really necessary-a flat is not even a good investment.
  4. Again if you have decided to buy a house buy a house where you can afford the emis-don’t buy a house which you can’t afford just to compare yourself with the Khannas. -Nobody gives a darn.
  5. Same goes for a car-buy a car which suits you and is functional and which doesn’t take the fun money out for you as a new couple.
  6. Make a monthly budget-for fun money/for monthly expenses/towards the holiday/for retirement.
  7. Keep [ aside a emergency fund of at least six months salary .
  8. Take a term life insurance plan and a family floater health plan together..
  9. Open a joint account for all couple goals.
  10. Save more of your pay towards retirement now-it iwill get more tougher (percentage of saving) when kids come on board.